HOMOEOPATHWorking as a medical homoeopathHomoeopath society "breaks its ethical code on advertising"Homoeopath society breaks own ethics code by making speculative claims on website, says expert[Carl von Bonninghausen--a forgotten homoeopath and his studies].[Why consult a homoeopath? A medical practice in Münster/Westphalia in the 19th century]Edward Alfred Heath FLS (1839–1907): homoeopath, amateur naturalist and beetle collectorThe Queen's Personal Physician and Britain's Leading Homoeopath Yesterday. [Derived Headline]The Internet Journal of Alternative Medicine TM Role of Homoeopathy in the Management of Autism: Study of Effects of Homoeopathic Tr...Choosing alternative medicine: a comparison of the beliefs of patients visiting a general practitioner and a homoeopath.