Mimi poisoning
horseshoe crab
Horseshoe Crab
Horseshoe crab (1,3)-beta-D-glucan-sensitive coagulation factor G. A serine protease zymogen heterodimer with similarities to beta-g...
The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of the horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus
The molecular basis of innate immunity in the horseshoe crab
Chromogenic Substrates for Horseshoe Crab Clotting Enzyme
Functional Conversion of Hemocyanin to Phenoloxidase by Horseshoe Crab Antimicrobial Peptides
Horseshoe crab acetyl group-recognizing lectins involved in innate immunity are structurally related to fibrinogen.
A sensitive substrate for the clotting enzyme in horseshoe crab hemocytes.