Sensors, Vol. 12, Pages 5752-5774: Multisensor System for Isotemporal Measurements to Assess Indoor Climatic Conditions in Poultry F...
Heuristic Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Road Bridge Frames
A parametric study of optimum tall piers for railway bridge viaducts
Multisensor System for Isotemporal Measurements to Assess Indoor Climatic Conditions in Poultry Farms
Circular and square slender concrete-filled tubular columns under large eccentricities and fire
Ant Colony Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Piers of Rectangular Hollow Section
Multiobjective Simulated Annealing Optimization of Concrete Building Frames
Proposal of a new method in EN1994-1-2 for the fire design of concrete-filled steel tubular columns
Impact Statement on “Advanced Materials for Concrete-Filled Tubular Columns and Connections”
Influence of reinforcement arrangement in flexural fire behavior of hollow core slabs