- When hula began it was a form of worship.
最初的草裙舞是一种礼拜仪式。 - Hawaiian hula is unique and totally different from other Polynesian dances.
胡拉 [Laparoscopic procedures: The American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists Memberships Survey for 1975]
Principles of Motor Learning in Treatment of Motor Speech Disorders | American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology | ASHA Publicati...
On the law of the united nations
Multi-criteria decision-making for optimization of product disassembly under multiple situations
The Color of School Reform: Race, Politics, and the Challenge of Urban Education.
The Color of School Reform:Race, Politics, and the Challenge of Urban Education
Lobbying together : interest group coalitions in legislative politics
Chapter Seven. The Role of External Actors : The Color of School Reform Race, Politics, and the Challenge of Urban Education
Chapter Three. The Elusiveness of Education Reform : The Color of School Reform Race, Politics, and the Challenge of Urban Education