- In general, language referring to oneself exhibits self-deprecating humbleness, while language referring to others shows approval and respect.
Arshile Gorky by Phyllis Rosenzweig (review)
Expression of respect and humbleness in English and Chinese locality words
Dedication, Humbleness, and Audacity: Advice from Pathfinder Faculty to Colleagues New to Online Distance Education.
Humbleness As A Practical Vehicle For Engineering Ethics Education
Humbleness as a practical vehicle for engineering ethics education
When Humbleness Flourishes: The Influence of Leader Humility on Follower Psychological Empowerment
Humbleness,Transcendence and Returning: A Semiotic Analysis of the Feminine Existence in Hong Ying's Autobiographical Novels
4. The Balance of Humbleness
Wisconsin's H.J. Martin Maintains Humbleness, Family Focus