- It is in this spirit that I humbly accept the Centennial Nobel Peace Prize.
正是本着这种精神,我谦卑地接受诺贝尔百年和平奖。 - So today we humbly recommit to the important work that we've begun together.
Factors affecting luminance additivity at threshold among normal and color-blind subjects and elaborations of a trichromatic-opponen...
Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Great Oolite Group in the Humbly Grove Oilfield, Hampshire
The Historian Humbly Declines to Have A Nice Day: Thoughts on the Role of the Historian in Contemporary Society
Standing Humbly before Nature
Unity our duty. In twelve considerations humbly preſented to the godly, reverend, and learned brethren of the Presbyterian jndgemen...
Following Humbly where Nature Leads: How Scientists Embody Humility
Humbly They Served: The Black Brigade in the Defense of Cincinnati
We Humbly Beg You to Take This Job. Please
"Some Thoughts on the Subject of Freeing the Negro Slaves in the Colony of Connecticut, Humbly Offered to the Consideration of All F...
"Willing to Listen Humbly": Practice Teaching in alberta Normal Schools, 1906-44