HYDROCEPHALUS EX-VACUO[Hydrocephalus ex vacuo].Ventricular differences between hydrostatic hydrocephalus and hydrocephalus ex vacuo by computed tomographyWHIPLASH: CHRONIC ORGANIC BRAIN SYNDROME WITHOUT HYDROCEPHALUS EX VACUOThe width of the temporal horn in the differential diagnosis between pressure hydrocephalus and hydrocephalus ex vacuo.Hydrocephalus ex vacuo and clasp thumb deformity due to congenital cytomegalovirus infectionHydrocephalus ex vacuo and clasp thumb deformity due to congenital cytomegalovirus infectionSurgical treatment of hydrocephalus ex-vacuo. Ventri- culoatrial shunt for degenerative brain diseaseVentriculoatrial shunt for hydrocephalus ex-vacuo psychological and clinical evaluationCough syncope: the possible relation to hydrocephalus ex vacuo