HypocaustHypocaustHypocaustHYPOCAUST HEATING IN DOMESTIC ROOMS IN ROMAN BRITAINAir hypocaust structure for cooling and/or heatingTRNSYS compatible moist air hypocaust modelSergius Orata: Inventor of the Hypocaust?Characteristic parameters of a hypocaust constructionFrom hypocaust to hyperbola: ground-penetrating radar surveys over mainly Roman remains in the UKWood for fuel in Roman hypocaust baths: new data from the Late-Roman villa of Faragola (SE Italy)From hypocaust to hyperbola : ground penetrating radar surveys over mainly Roman remains in the United Kingdom / Neil Linford.Differentiation of Hypocaust and Floor Tiles at Coriglia, Castel Viscardo (Umbria, Italy) Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) a...How the Romans got themselves into hot water: temperatures and fuel types used in firing a hypocaust.