On Multiple Inflammatory Nodules of the Hypoderm.CNS and hypoderm regulatory elements of the Drosophila melanogaster dopa decarboxylase geneTranscriptional changes in pupal hypoderm in Drosophia melanogaster.PATHOGENESIS OF NONCASEATING EPITHELIOID TUBERCULOSIS OF HYPODERM AND LYMPH GLANDSPolymer hypodermic needle and process for producing same design and process for making all-plastic molded-in-one piece hypodermic ne...Synthesis of the major adult cuticle proteins of Drosophila melanogaster during hypoderm differentiation.Regulated splicing produces different forms of dopa decarboxylase in the central nervous system and hypoderm of Drosophila melanogas...Comparative root anatomy of seminal and nodal root axes of summer cereals with special reference to the development of hypodermis an...Immunohistochemical characterization of inflammatory cells in the skin of cattle undergoing repeated infestations with Hypoderma lin...Stage specific mortality and humoral immune responses during pulse and trickle infestations of the common cattle grub, Hypoderma lin...