hypolimnionhypolimnionDevelopment of a computer-generated equilibrium model for the variation of iron and manganese in the hypolimnion of Lake MendotaMethylmercury production in the anoxic hypolimnion of a Dimictic Seepage LakeMethylmercury production in the Anoxic Hypolimnion of a Dimictic Seepage LakeDepth Distribution of Bacterial Production in a Stratified Lake with an Anoxic HypolimnionHypolimnion Oxygen Consumption in Lakes: Discussion of Productivity an...The chemistry of suspended matter in Esthwaite Water, a biologically productive lake with seasonally anoxic hypolimnionVertical diffusion rates determined by tritium tracer experiments in the thermocline and hypolimnion of two lakes,Aphotic pigment degradation in the hypolimnion: Implications for sedimentation studies and paleolimnology