Isotope shifts and hyperfine structure in the transitions in calcium IIIsotope shifts and hyperfine structure in the 3d 2DJ → 4p 2PJ transitions in calcium IIUnexpected multiplet patterns induced by the Haupt-effectTransfer of the Haupt-hyperpolarization to neighbor spins.Experimental boundaries of the quantum rotor induced polarization (QRIP) in liquid state NMR.Implementation of two‐qubit and three‐qubit quantum computers using liquid‐state nuclear magnetic resonanceImplementation of two-qubit and three-qubit quantum computers using liquid-state nuclear magnetic resonanceUntersuchungen zur chemischen Stabilität von Cu3(btc)2 (HKUST‐1) durch N2‐Adsorption, Röntgenpulverdiffraktometrie und EPR‐Spek...AVALIAÇÃO DA VIABILIDADE TÉCNICA DO EMPREGO DA TECNOLOGIA DE FILTRAÇÃO DIRETA NO TRATAMENTO DA aGUA BRUTA AFLUENTE À ETA DO MU...REMOVAL EVALUATION OF CYANOBACTERIA AND SAXITOXINS OF THE ROW WATER AFFLUENT TO WTP OF PONTA GROSSA CITY, BRAZIL, USING THE COAGULAT...