Ictal motor signs and interictal regional cerebral hypometabolism.Post-Ictal Psychoses: A Clinical and Phenomenological DescriptionIctal localization of temporal lobe seizures with scalp/sphenoidal recordings.Interictal to ictal transition in human temporal lobe epilepsy: insights from a computational model of intracerebral EEGThe underlying pathophysiology of ictal dystonia in temporal lobe epilepsy: an FDG-PET study.Glossary of descriptive terminology for ictal semiology: report of the ILAE task force on classification and terminology.Early ictal spect hyperperfusion in focal dysplastic lesions: spatial relationships with MRI abnormalities and potential for the non...Hypothalamic hamartomas and ictal laughter: Evolution of a characteristic epileptic syndrome and diagnostic value of magnetic resona...Prolonged epileptic seizures in primates. Ischemic cell change and its relation to ictal physiological eventsCharacteristics of medial temporal lobe epilepsy: II. Interictal and ictal scalp electroencephalography, neuropsychological testing,...