Idolatrous Cultures and the Practice of ReligionThe ETI Myth: Idolatrous Fantasy or Plausible Inference?The Idolatrous Eye: Iconoclasm and Theater in Early-Modern England by Michael O'ConnellThe Idolatrous Eye: Iconoclasm, Anti-Theatricalism, and the Image of the Elizabethan TheaterReligion and Power in the Andes: Idolatrous Curacas of the Central SierraWalter Benjamin's Anti-Idolatrous Politics: Martel's Divine Violence and Textual ConspiraciesRev. of Michael O’Connell, The Idolatrous Eye: Iconoclasm and Theater in Early-Modern EnglandMesmeric Exorcism, Idolatrous Beliefs, and Bloody Rituals: Mesmerism, Catholicism, and Second Sight in Bram Stoker's FictionThe Idolatrous Eye: Iconoclasm and Theater in Early-Modern England. By O'ConnellMichael. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. x ...Antidotes to Captivation and Spell-Bound Forgetting: The Counter-Idolatrous Figure of the Human in Modern Jewish Theology and Art