Chronological metamorphosis of the auricular surface of the ilium: a new method for the determination of adult skeletal age at death.Donor site pain from the ilium. A complication of lumbar spine fusionAge estimation from the auricular surface of the ilium: a revised methodDonor site pain from the iliumVARIATION IN THE ILIUM OF NORTH AMERICAN BUFO (LISSAMPHIBIA; ANURA) AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR SPECIES-LEVEL IDENTIFICATION OF FRAGMEN...PERICAPSULAR OSTEOTOMY OF THE ILIUM FOR TREATMENT OF CONGENITAL SUBLUXATION AND DISLOCATION OF THE HIP.A morphometric comparison of trabecular structure of human ilium between microcomputed tomography and conventional histomorphometry.Bone resorption and formation on the periosteal envelope of the ilium: a histomorphometric study in healthy womenNasal absorption in rats. II. Effect of enhancers on insulin absorption and nasal histologyInfection of mottled stripe disease‐susceptible and resistant sugar cane varieties by the endophytic diazotroph Herbaspirilium