- Illusionary landscapes are real landscapes now.
幻觉的风景如今就成了真实的景致。 - Beyond the illusionary screen, summer heat is billowing.
Illusionary wheel cover structure
Illusionary self-motion perception in zebrafish.
Illusionary Progress in Loyalty Programs: Magnitudes, Reward Distances, and Step-Size Ambiguity
Cranial vault distraction: its illusionary effect and limitation
"Illusionary"polymerase activity triggered by metal ions: use for molecular logic-gate operations.
Clinical fracture of the carpal scaphoid—An illusionary diagnosis
The neurophysiological time pattern of illusionary visual perceptual transitions: a simultaneous EEG and fMRI study.
EEG signs of vigilance fluctuations preceding perceptual flips in multistable illusionary motion
Inside Cover: “Illusionary” Polymerase Activity Triggered by Metal Ions: Use for Molecular Logic-Gate Operations (Angew...
The goal-gradient hypothesis resurrected: Purchase acceleration, illusionary goal progress, and customer retention.