hTERT alone immortalizes epithelial cells of renal proximal tubules without changing their functional characteristicsEpstein‐Barr virus efficiently immortalizes human B cells without neutralizing the function of p53.Telomerase reconstitution immortalizes human fetal hepatocytes without disrupting their differentiation potentialThe Bmi-1 Oncogene Induces Telomerase Activity and Immortalizes Human Mammary Epithelial CellsHoxa9 immortalizes a granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor-dependent promyelocyte capable of biphenotypic differentiation...Nup98-HoxA9 immortalizes myeloid progenitors, enforces expression of Hoxa9, Hoxa7 and Meis1, and alters cytokine-specific responses ...HOXB6 overexpression in murine bone marrow immortalizes a myelomonocytic precursor in vitro and causes hematopoietic stem cell expan...Kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus G protein-coupled receptor immortalizes human endothelial cells by activation of the VEGF re...Bmi-1 Is a Novel Molecular Marker of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Progression and Immortalizes Primary Human Nasopharyngeal Epithelial C...A putative truncated cytokine receptor gene transduced by the myeloproliferative leukemia virus immortalizes hematopoietic progenitors