Imnaha Basalt, Columbia River Basalt GroupHelium and neon isotopes in the Imnaha Basalt, Columbia River Basalt Group: Evidence for a Yellowstone plume sourceSummer steelhead creel surveys on the Grande Ronde, Wallowa, and Imnaha Rivers for the 1993-94 run yearSummer steelhead creel surveys in the Grande Ronde, Wallowa, and Imnaha Rivers for the 1987-88 run yearSummer steelhead creel surveys on the Grande Ronde, Wallowa, and Imnaha Rivers for the 1991-92 run yearCrystal Fractionation and Recharge (RFC) in the American Bar Flows of the Imnaha Basalt, Columbia River Basalt GroupReevaluation of the timing and duration of extrusion of the Imnaha, Picture Gorge, and Grande Ronde Basalts, Columbia River Basalt G...An Evaluation of the Use of Resistivity Counters in the Touchet River in Washington and the Imnaha River in OregonDiminished Reproductive Success of Steelhead from a Hatchery Supplementation Program (Little Sheep Creek, Imnaha Basin, Oregon)Run Timing, Spawn Timing, and Spawning Distribution of Hatcheryand Natural㎡rigin Spring Chinook Salmon in the Imnaha River, Oregon