Employing Augmented-Reality-Embedded Instruction to Disperse the Imparities of Individual Differences in Earth Science LearningAnalysis of platinum for certain elemental imparities by neutron activationThe asymmetric impact of currency purchasing power imparities on ADR mispricingEffect of imparities on some of the physical properties of Triglyoine sulfate crystalTHE ANALYSIS ON EFFECT OF IMPARITIES ON THE TRANSPARENCE OF THE AQUEOUS DIPHENHYDRAMINE HYDROCHLORIDEDetermination of imparities in silicon nitride by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometryProblem of the production of liver dystrophy in pigs following administration of cod liver oil.Outdoor signage for visually impairedNano-sized coupled photocatalyst (Sn 0.25,Ti 0.75)O 2 powders synthesized by a low temperature molten salt methodTarget pattern solutions to reaction-diffusion equations in the presence of impurities ☆