- He came with his wife, six children, four dogs and various other impedimenta.
他来时携妻子、 六个孩子、 四条狗以及各式各样的累赘什物。
Flores de Verano
Szczepanski (Ladislas), S. J., Impedimenta matrimonialia apud Hebraeos et in iure canonico (mélange de l'Université Saint-Joseph d...
[...] Joan. Pinamonti [...] Via cœli complanata, seu Detecta salutis impedimenta, et methodus eadem superandi, oblata pro xenio [...
Two into One Won’t Go: Conceptual, Clinical, Ethical and Legal Impedimenta to the Convergence of CAM and Orthodox Medicine
'The Impedimenta State': Anatomies of neoliberal penalty
Referenda, plebiscites and sundry parliamentary impedimenta [Paper presented to the Australasian Study of Parliament Group, Annual C...
Erskine, F. J.: Damas en bicicleta. Cómo vestir y normas de comportamiento, Madrid, Editorial Impedimenta, 2014. 104 págs. ISBN: 9...
‘Paraphernalia, desiderata, impedimenta, etc.’
El pequeño salvaje. Impedimenta