- The long-suffering of God toward Jerusalem only confirmed the Jews in their stubborn impenitence.
IMPENITENCEIMPENITENCEIMPENITENCEThe final sin of the believer theological essay on final impenitenceLectures on Systematic Theology: Embracing Ability, (Natural, Moral and Gracious,) Repentance, Impenitence, Faith and Unbelief, Just...Lectures on systematic theology, embracing ability, (natural, moral and gracious,) repentance, impenitence, faith and unbelief, just...Will we eat all that power? Impenitence personifiedTranslation as Rhetoric: Edward Jerningham's “Impenitence” (1800)"Die anderen aber glaubten nicht"Sorry States:Apologies in International PoliticsStrategy and Tactics of International Mergers and AcquisitionsThe Period of the RevolutionThe Odd Women - Chapter 29. Confession And Counsel