Advocating the Use of Imprecisely Observed Data in Genetic Fuzzy Systems
Advocating the Use of Imprecisely Observed Data in Genetic Fuzzy Systems
Recognizing imprecisely localized, partially occluded, and expression variant faces from a single sample per class
Fuzzy finite element approach for the analysis of imprecisely defined systems
Recognition of partially occluded and/or imprecisely localized faces using a probabilistic approach
Fuzzy finite-element approach for the vibration analysis of imprecisely-defined systems
An optimal tracking filter for processing sensor data of imprecisely determined origin in surveillance systems
Sheep and goats: separating cervix and corpus uteri from imprecisely coded uterine cancer deaths, for studies of geographical and te...
The unstable wDZL mutation of Drosophila is caused by a 13 kilobase insertion that is imprecisely excised in phenotypic revertants
How independent are "independent"effects? Relative risk estimation when correlated exposures are measured imprecisely.