- By banning on Falun Gong, CCP aims to respect religious belief even though it advocates antitheism.
中共也并非封杀信仰,反而是尊重宗教信仰,只不过提倡无神论。 - Chinese government pushes Marxism and antitheism, so religions don't play an important role in our lives.
Anti-theismAnti-theismAntitheismANTITHEISM AND MORALITYANTITHEISM: A REFLECTIONAntitheism Among CelebritiesAntitheism and Gratuitous EvilOn Confucius AntitheismNatural theology: Theism or antitheism?The Relation of Marxist Religion Standpoint and Marxist AntitheismScience-a Powerful Weapon for Antitheism against Theism——The Key Experience of Antitheism against Theism in ChinaAgainst God, religion and the church. Atheism, Antitheism and Anti-clericalism in the Chilean anarchist discourse (1899-1913)The identity of man before God - God as a possible threat to man's autonomy from the viewpoint of atheism and antitheism