- His words are in complete accord with his thoughts.
他说的话与他的思想完全一致。 - It is a statement in conflict with other evidence.
Bushcricket Spermatophores Vary in Accord with Sperm Competition and Parental Investment Theory
Icosahedral WAu12: a predicted closed-shell species, stabilized by aurophilic attraction and relativity and in accord with the 18-el...
Long-standing influenza vaccination policy is in accord with individual self-interest but not with the utilitarian optimum
Is ADHD diagnosed in accord with diagnostic criteria? Overdiagnosis and influence of client gender on diagnosis.
The induction of chromatid deletions in accord with the breakage-and-reunion hypothesis
Deficiency of the stroke relevant HDAC9 gene attenuates atherosclerosis in accord with allele-specific effects at 7p21.1
Delayed Matching to Sample: Probability of Responding in Accord with Equivalence as a Function of Different Delays
Tree survival and growth on land reclaimed in accord with Public Law 95-87.
Welding control apparatus including a pressure regulating valve operated in accord with predetermined schedule of variations of a we...
Action from Duty But Not in Accord with Duty