- The locust-trees were in bloom and the fragrance of the blossoms filled the air.
洋槐树正开着花,空气里弥漫着芬芳的花香。 - The little girl was flitting about in the garden, picking flowers.
小姑娘在花园里轻盈地跑来跑去,摘着花。 - He has nooned in his writing life.
他已达到他写作生涯的全盛时期。 - Shakespeare lived in the glorious days of Queen Elizabeth I.
In full bloom
In full bloom
Plant genome engineering in full bloom
Plant genome editing in full bloom
Plant science: Gardens in full bloom
The Burgess Shale: Cambrian explosion in full bloom
A DNA helicase in full Bloom
Effect of Different Type Leaves on Cotton Yield in Full-Bloom Stage
Estimation of changes in full bloom date of 'Niitaka' pear tree with global warming.
Bikesharing in Full Bloom
In full bloom: helping students grow using the taxonomy of educational objectives.
Gardens in Full Bloom