- To hurl abuse is in no way to fight.
谩骂决不是战斗。 - I lay no claim to being an expert economist.
Effect of electrode shape in dielectric barrier discharge plasma reactor for NO/sub x/ removals
Capnogram shape in obstructive lung disease.
Late talkers show no shape bias in a novel name extension task
Sparse principal component analysis in medical shape modeling - art. no. 61444X
Jett Flying around Pinehurst Getting No. 2 in Shape
Multiplet‐specific shape resonant features in photoionization of NO
Plasma-activated surface treatment involves placing insulator between two electrodes with no shape-locking contact in defined surfac...
Effects of staple size, tissue thickness, and precompression time on staple shape in side-to-side jejunocecal anastomosis in specime...
Pattern formation in B-cell immune networks: Domains and dots in shape-space
Pattern formation in B-cell immune networks: domains and dots in shape-space