- None of them could sing in tune.
他们中没有一个人能唱得合调。 - The violin and the piano seem to be out of tune.
钢琴和小提琴好像不合调。 - It is a statement in conflict with other evidence.
这一陈述与其他证词不一致。 - His words are in complete accord with his thoughts.
In tune
In Tune
Flying in tune: sexual recognition in mosquitoes
The amusic brain: in tune, out of key, and unaware
The amusic brain: In tune, out of key, and unaware
The amusic brain: In tune, out of key, and unaware
Humming in Tune: Sex and Species Recognition by Mosquitoes on the Wing
Autonomic management policy specification in Tune
A Schema Theory of How Children Learn to Sing in Tune
Adaptive hearing in the vocal plainfin midshipman fish: getting in tune for the breeding season and implications for acoustic commun...
Adaptive hearing in the vocal plainfin midshipman fish: getting in tune for the breeding season and implications for acoustic commun...
Adaptive hearing in the vocal plainfin midshipman fish: Getting in tune for the breeding season and its implications for acoustic co...