- This is an incantation that can spell anybody.
这是一句能迷惑住人的咒语。 - Under these circumstances it acquires the charm of an incantation.
Incantation /
Fragment of an Incantation Series, DT. 57
Religion and the Aramaic Incantation Bowls
An Incantation of the Sirens: The Structure of Moderato Cantabile
A corpus of magic bowls: incantation texts in Jewish Aramaic from late antiquity
Hipponax Fragment 128W: Epic Parody or Expulsive Incantation?
Dubious and Incorrectly Identified Ugaritic Incantation Texts : Incantations and Anti-Witchcraft Texts from Ugarit
En Angleterre. Les nouvelles politiques prioritaires (1997-2007), entre incantation et fébrilité
神图与鬼板:凉山彝族祝咒文学与宗教绘画考察:a survey of incantation epos and ritualized paintings i