- Destruction of the incus was by far the most common ossicular defect in all cholesteatoma ears.
Evaluation of a cement incus replacement prosthesis in a temporal bone model.Soft tissue morphometry of the malleus-incus complex from micro-CT imaging.Tympanic-membrane and malleus-incus-complex co-adaptations for high-frequency hearing in mammalsA comparison of PORP, TORP, and incus homograft for ossicular reconstruction in chronic ear surgery.Transformation of the quadrate (incus) through the transition from non-mammalian cynodonts to mammalsCalculation of inertial properties of the malleus-incus complex from micro-CT imagingExperimental study of the acoustic properties of incus replacement prostheses in a human temporal bone modelExperimental study of the acoustic properties of incus replacement prostheses in a human temporal bone model.The anatomic relationship between the second genu of the facial nerve and the incus: a high-resolution computed tomography study.Stapes surgery: how precisely do different prostheses attach to the long process of the incus with different instruments and differe...