inebriantInebriant for treating scald and burnInebriant for treating scald and burnNoi, il proporzionale e «l’inebriante rito inglese»Inebriantia: an early interdisciplinary consideration of intoxicants and their effects on man.Kava in Western Polynesia – The Inebriant Honouring Gift Bestowed on Divine GuestsNarcotic plants, hallucinogens, stimulants, inebriants and hypnotics - their origins and uses.Sementes florestais brasileiras: início precário, presente inebriante e o futuro, promissor?Increased frontal and paralimbic activation following ayahuasca, the pan-Amazonian inebriant.Effect of temperature and moisture condition on seed germination of Achnatherum inebriants (Hance) Keng.