Andsothe herdersmovedineluctablytowardsdisaster.
Anddoesthatleadineluctably to amulti-partypoliticalsystem?
Dependenceof theUnited Statesand itsalliestothepetroleum in Middle East,ineluctablyinvolvedthenationalsecurityproblem.
Ecology, Values, and Policy: Values, whether implicit or explicit, are ineluctably linked to action; in view of the human predicamen...
Comment on Brandt's: Does nature tend ineluctably to a republic?
Ineleuctably [i.e. ineluctably] Other [microform] : the acculturation experiences of Catholic Pakistani women residing in Toronto an...
China Miéville: ‘We remain ineluctably defined by Ballard’
Stress in farm animals: a need for reevaluation.
Several cytogenetic subclones may be identified within plasma cells from patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined signifi...
Infectious Disease and Intensive Management: Population Dynamics, Threatened Hosts, and Their Parasites
Programmable remapper for image processing
Dynamics of phosphate in soils. An isotopic outlook
Developments in cognitive neuroscience: II. Implications for theories of transference