- Such aperiodic motions are not quantized.
Aperiodic task scheduling for Hard-Real-Time systemsScheduling aperiodic tasks in dynamic priority systemsScheduling aperiodic tasks in dynamic priority systemsEnhanced aperiodic responsiveness in hard real-time environment3D aperiodic hierarchical porous graphitic carbon material for high-rate electrochemical capacitive energy storage.An optimal algorithm for scheduling soft-aperiodic tasks in fixed-priority preemptive systemsAn optimal algorithm for scheduling soft-aperiodic tasks in fixed-priority preemptive systemsPeriodic boundary conditions in ab initio calculations. II. Brillouin-zone sampling for aperiodic systems.Continuous control of chaos by self-controlling feedback: stabilization of unstable periodic and aperiodic orbitsContinuous control of chaos by self-controlling feedback: stabilization of unstable periodic and aperiodic orbits