- The farmers in this area have to struggle to wrest a living from the infertile soil.
Fertilizer: To nourish infertile soil that feeds a fertile population that crowds a fragile world
Carbon mineralization following additions of fresh and aged biochar to an infertile soil. CATENA
Ameliorating acid infertile rice soil with organic residue from nitrogen fixing trees
Effects of Phosphorus, Calcium, and Hup− and Hup+ Rhizobia on Pigeon Pea Yields in an Infertile Tropical Soil
Response of subterranean clover ( Trifolium subterraneum ) to lime, magnesium, and boron on acid infertile soil in subtropical China
Nitrogen cycling in degraded Leucaena leucocephala-Brachiaria decumbens pastures on an acid infertile soil in south-east Queensland,...
Suitability of six hedgerow species for alley cropping on an acid infertile soil in Burundi.
The performance of maize in acid infertile soil amended with municipal tree leaf residue and phosphorus.
Effects of legumes in a cropping rotation on an infertile soil in Machakos District, Kenya.
Effects of potassium and early-season nitrogen applications on young âKeisieâ canning peach trees on a sandy, infertile soil