用作动词 (v.)
~+名词~+副词- inject admirably极为成功地注入
- inject adroitly熟练地注入
- inject advantageously有效地注入
- inject affectionately深情地注入
- inject automatically自动注入
- inject baselessly毫无根据地注入
- inject carefully仔细注入
- inject casually漫不经心地注入
- inject cautiously小心翼翼地注入
- inject characteristically具有特色地注入
- inject cleverly巧妙地注入
- inject confidentially秘密地注入
- inject consistently始终如一地注入
- inject continuously不停地注入
- inject decisively决定性地注入
- inject deliberately故意注入
- inject determinedly坚决地注入
- inject disastrously灾难性地注入
- inject dramatically出人意料地注入
- inject erroneously错误地注入
- inject falteringly犹豫地注入
- inject fearfully可怕地注入
- inject finally最终注入
- inject formally正式注入
- inject furiously猛烈地注入
- inject gently轻轻地注入
- inject gratefully感激地注入
- inject guardedly谨慎地注入
- inject hastily匆忙地注入
- inject hesitatingly犹豫不决地注入
- inject hurriedly仓促地注入
- inject ignorantly无知地注入
- inject importunately急切地注入
- inject incessantly持续不断地注入
- inject inconceivably难以置信地注入
- inject infallibly绝对可靠地注入
- inject insidiously不知不觉地注入
- inject instructively有益地注入
- inject intermittently断断续续地注入
- inject lightly悄悄地注入
- inject logically合理地注入
- inject madly疯狂地注入
- inject momentarily顷刻之间地注入
- inject murderously极其危险地注入
- inject necessarily有必要地注入
- inject nervously紧张地注入
- inject patiently耐心地注入
- inject philosophically冷静地注入
- inject practically实际注入
- inject recklessly轻率地注入
- inject ruthlessly无情地注入
- inject safely有把握地注入
- inject scientifically科学地注入
- inject sheepishly胆怯地注入
- inject silently默默地注入
- inject skillfully技术高超地注入
- inject soberly审慎地注入
- inject sternly粗暴地注入
- inject systematically有规律地注入
- inject tremulously大胆地注入
- inject unhesitatingly毫不迟疑地注入
- inject unkindly非善意地注入
- inject unthinkingly不假思索地注入
project, inject, eject
The balcony projects out beyond the wall of the house.阳台从房子的墙壁上突出来。
The government projects that the defence budget will increase by 20% .政府预计国防预算将增长百分之二十。
The nurse injected some medicine into the patient with a needle.护士用注射器给患者打针。
The pilot ejected from the falling airplane.飞行员从坠落的飞机中弹射出去。
- The nurse injected penicillin into her arm.
护士给她的胳膊注射了青霉素。 - His medicine is a drug that can be injected or taken by mouth.
他的药可以注射或口服。 - His appointment may inject some new life into the committee.
他的任命可能给这委员会注入新生命。 - He injected new ideas into the discussion.
Where to inject the triamcinolone?
Global epidemiology of injecting drug use and HIV among people who inject drugs: a systematic review.
Prevention of HIV infection for people who inject drugs: why individual, structural, and combination approaches are needed
Global epidemiology of hepatitis B and hepatitis C in people who inject drugs: results of systematic reviews.
Combination of flow injection with capillary electrophoresis: 8. Miniaturized capillary electrophoresis system with flow injection s...
HIV prevention, treatment, and care services for people who inject drugs: a systematic review of global, regional, and national cove...
Is HCV elimination among HIV-infected people who inject drugs possible through HCV treatment targeting HIV/HCV coinfection? A modeli...
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Neonatal outcome in a Danish national cohort of 8602 children born after in vitro fertilization or intracytoplasmic sperm injection...
Studies with radioactive endotoxin. II. Correlation of physiologic effects with distribution of radioactivity in rabbits injected wi...