Le véhicule électrique : cet objet extrême qui innerve les sciences sociales
Fenotipik olarak kısıtlanmış primer afferent sinir grubu deriyi değil, kemiği innerve eder: Kemik ağrısında bir tedavi şan...
Le plexage s'innerve
Deri ve Kol ve bacak kemikleri innerve Fare Duyusal Sinir Lif doku hazırlanması ve immün
Sorbitol Pathway: Presence in Nerve and Cord with Substrate Accumulation in Diabetes
Novel Nerve-Agent Antidote Design Based on Crystallographic and Mass Spectrometric Analyses of Tabun-Conjugated Acetylcholinesterase...
The influence of intersubject variability in ocular anatomical variables on the mapping of retinal locations to the retinal nerve fi...
Intact sciatic myelinated primary afferent terminals collaterally sprout in the adult rat dorsal horn following section of a neighbo...
Autoradiographic analysis of –1–2–5I-substance P binding in rat spinal cord following chronic constriction injury of the sciatic ...
Facilitation of NMDA-induced currents and Ca2+ transients in the rat substantia gelatinosa neurons after ligation of L5-L6 spinal ne...