- He showed total insensibility to the animal's fate.
InsensibilityInsensibility during slaughter of pigs in comparison to other domestic stock.Measures of insensibility used to determine effective stunning and killing of poultryPrevalence and duration of insensibility following electrical stunning in calves.A review of the criteria used to assess insensibility and death in hunted whales compared to other speciesOnset of insensibility at slaughter in calves: effects of electroplectic seizure and exsanguination on spontaneous electrocortical a...Using time to insensibility and estimated time of death to evaluate a nonpenetrating captive bolt, cervical dislocation, and blunt t...Longitudinal study between the apparent pain insensibility and the non verbal communication and symbolisation disorders in autismElectroencephalographic studies of stunning and slaughter of sheep and calves-part 2: The onset of permanent insensibility in calves...Electroencephalographic studies of stunning and slaughter of sheep and calves- Part 3: The duration of insensibility induced by elec...