用作动词 (v.)
~+名词- insist one's correctness坚持说自己是对的
~+副词- insist absolutely绝对坚持
- insist accidentally偶尔坚持
- insist apparently明显坚持
- insist assiduously不懈地坚持
- insist belligerently挑衅性地命令
- insist blandly温和地强调
- insist deliberately故意坚持
- insist desperately不顾一切地坚持
- insist determinedly坚决坚持
- insist dramatically戏剧性地坚持
- insist eloquently雄辩地坚持
- insist emphatically有力地坚持
- insist energetically充满活力地坚持
- insist eternally永久地坚持
- insist exclusively独自坚持
- insist extemporaneously临时地坚持
- insist falsely错误地坚持
- insist generally一般性地坚持
- insist glowingly热情地坚持
- insist grudgingly勉强坚持
- insist heartlessly无意坚持
- insist honourably光明正大地坚持
- insist hotly激烈地坚持
- insist impressively令人难忘地坚持
- insist indignantly威严地坚持
- insist inexpressibly无法形容地坚持
- insist instinctively本能地坚持
- insist intensely强烈地坚持
- insist intentionally有目的地坚持
- insist intermittently断断续续地坚持
- insist largely大体上坚持
- insist logically合理地坚持
- insist necessarily有必要地坚持
- insist noiselessly悄悄地坚持
- insist obstinately固执地坚持
- insist ostensibly表面上坚持
- insist painfully痛苦地坚持
- insist powerfully强有力地坚持
- insist practically实际坚持
- insist primarily首要坚持
- insist readily有准备地坚持
- insist reasonably明智地坚持
- insist rightly正确地坚持,合理地要求
- insist solely单独地坚持
- insist specifically具体地坚持
- insist speciously特别地坚持
- insist strenuously艰难地坚持
- insist superficially表面上坚持
- insist symbolically象征性地坚持
- insist unanimously一致坚持
- insist unfortunately不幸地坚持
- insist unhesitatingly毫不迟疑地坚持
- insist uniformly一致地坚持
- insist unnecessarily不必要地坚持
- insist unquestionably毫无疑问地坚持
- insist unreasonably不合理地坚持
- insist unsuccessfully不成功地坚持
- insist uselessly没必要地坚持
- insist violently强烈坚持
- insist voluntarily自愿坚持
~+介词- insist on〔upon〕坚持,强调,坚决要求〔主张〕
- insist on one's lack of guilt坚持说自己无罪
- insist on the return of the book坚决要求还书
insist on坚持,坚决要求;督促,强调
insist upon坚持…
insist, persist
insist 坚持,后面接介词on,也可直接连用that引导的名词从句。如:He insisted on my going there with him. (He insisted that I should go there with him.)
persist 坚持,后面常接介词in。如:He persisted in carrying on his work in spite of great fatigue.(他虽然疲倦极了,可仍坚持工作。)
persevere, insist, persist, cling, adhere
- He insisted that he had done right.
他坚决认为自己做对了。 - They insist that I stay there for supper.
- Since you insist, I must amend the letter of credit.
既然你坚持,我就只好修改信用证。 - He insisted on paying for the meal.
他坚持要付饭钱。 - I must insist on more regular hours.
Populism 2015: Citizens Insist On Trade Deals That Work For All Of Us: http://www.opednews.com/articles/Populism-2015-Citizens-In-by...
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