A chimeric CYP11B1/CYP11B2 gene in glucocorticoid-insuppressible familial hyperaldosteronismThe Insuppressible Compulsion to Make Sense of Visual StimuliTraining equipment has stand, by which training equipment is anchored and fixed on ground in suppressible manner, where stand and st...Differing effects of metoclopramide and adrenocorticotropin on plasma aldosterone levels in glucocorticoid-suppressible hyperaldoste...Nonsuppressible insulin-like activity and somatomedin C levels in normal pregnant women, in pregnant women with gestational diabetes...ELEVATED URINARY EXCRETION OF 18-OXOCORTISOL IN GLUCOCORTICOID-SUPPRESSIBLE ALDOSTERONISMMutations in motB Suppressible by Changes in Stator or Rotor Components of the Bacterial Flagellar MotorAnomalous postural aldosterone response in glucocorticoid-suppressible hyperaldosteronismAdrenal steroid responses to ACTH in glucocorticoid-suppressible aldosteronismAutosomal dominant transmission and absence of HLA linkage in dexamethasone suppressible hyperaldosteronism