- Cushioning foaming material is a kind of polymer comprised of a lot of interactional polyhedron pores.
摘要缓冲发泡材料是有许多相互作用的多面体气孔的聚合体。 - The interactional mechanics characteristic between such kind of complex underground structures is difficult to realize.
Interactional coherence in CMC
Interactional Coherence in CMC.
Toward an interactional description of depression.
Improving interactional organizational research: A model of person-organization fit.
The Interactional Architecture of the Language Classroom: A Conversation Analysis Perspective.
Discourse as an interactional achievement: Some use of "UH-HUH"and other things that come between sentences
Discourse as an interactional achievement: Some uses of `uh huh' and other things that come between sentences
The psychosocial etiology of adolescent drug use: a family interactional approach.
Pragmatics of human communication : a study of interactional patterns, pathologies, and paradoxes
Consumer responses to service failures: Influence of procedural and interactional fairness perceptions.