- We are an international, interdenominational, cross-cultural, Christ-centered, Chinese-based and Chinese-focused Christian mission organization.
Interdenominational interaction in Chaggaland: an ecumenical perspective
Dimensions of Interdenominational Mobility in the United States
The Extent of Interdenominational Marriage in the United States
Modell Deutschland as an Interdenominational Compromise
Interdenominationalism, Clericalism, Pluralism: The Zentrumsstreit and the Dilemma of Catholicism in Wilhelmine Germany
The Political Economy of Interdenominational Competition in Late-Nineteenth-Century American Cities
Modell Deutschland as an Interdenominational Compromise, CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 00.3, 2000
"One body and one spirit": Presbyterians, interdenominationalism, and the American Revolution
The Political Origins of Primary Education Systems: Ideology, Institutions, and Interdenominational Conflict in an Era of Nation-Bui...
The Political Origins of Primary Education Systems: Ideology, Institutions, and Interdenominational Conflict in an Era of Nation-Bui...