Thalassemia intermedia: revisited.
Intermedia The concept and the construction of a seamless information environment
Intermedia: The Concept and the Construction of a Seamless Information Environment
Role of γG XmnI polymorphism in thalassemia intermedia patients
Photocatalytic hydrogenation of propyne with water on small-particle titania: size quantization effects and reaction intermediates
Hydrozirconation. III. Stereospecific and regioselective functionalization of alkylacetylenes via vinylzirconium(IV) intermediates
Self-assembly in Vitro of the 68,000 molecular weight component of the mammalian neurofilament triplet proteins into intermediate-si...
Photocatalytic oxidation of toluene at indoor air levels (ppbv): Towards a better assessment of conversion, reaction intermediates a...
Living Radical Polymerization with Reversible Addition−Fragmentation Chain Transfer (RAFT): Direct ESR Observation of Intermediat...
Hatzfeld M, Franke WWPair formation and promiscuity of cytokeratins: formation in vitro of heterotypic complexes and intermediate-si...