- There was no intimation from his doctor that his condition was serious.
他的医生没有透露他的病情很严重。 - A frown is often an intimation of disapproval.
皱眉头常常表示不赞许。 - Hopkins sent me the earliest intimation.
Intimation of a creature
Self-Intimation and Second Order Belief
Self-Intimation, Memory and Personal Identity
An intimation of things distant : the collected fiction of Nella Larsen
Recognising Intimation: An Affective Reality in the Act of Creation
Reflections on a Premature Intimation of Impending Doom
Intimation of intent in elderly fatal self-harm: do the elderly who leave suicide notes differ from those who do not?
SCIENCE AND THE PRIMACY OF CONSCIOUSNESS- Intimation of a XXIst Century Revolution
Key To Effective English Remedial Education: Intimation Derived From Multiple Regression
The Doctrine that Dared Not Speak its Name: Anglo-American Fiduciary Duties in China's 2005 Company Law and Case Law Intimations of ...