The invected gene of Drosophila: sequence analysis and expression studies reveal a close kinship to the engrailed gene.Distinguishable functions for engrailed and invected in anterior-posterior patterning in the Drosophila wing.Requirement for engrailed and invected genes reveals novel regulatory interactions between engrailed/invected, patched, gooseberry a...The Drosophila engrailed and invected genes: partners in regulation, expression and function.Colour pattern specification in the Mocker swallowtail Papilio dardanus: the transcription factor invected is a candidate for the mi...Molecular Characterization and Silk Gland Expression of Bombyx Engrailed and Invected GenesA Delta-Notch signaling border regulated by Engrailed/Invected repression specifies boundary cells in the Drosophila hindgut.Characterization of the polycomb group response elements of the Drosophila melanogaster invected Locus.Allele-Specific Quantification of Drosophila Engrailed and Invected TranscriptsAuditory Responses of Engrailed and Invected-Expressing Johnston's Organ Neurons in Drosophila melanogaster