3. Kałaj’s Irenic Defense in Overview
Irenic Ironic Unsayable: A Correlation of Franke and Wolfson
Irenic Apocalypse: Some Uses of Apocalyptic in Dante, Petrarch and Rabelais
An Irenic Vision of Utopia: Rembrandt's "Triumph of Mordecai"and the New Jerusalem
The Power of Jesus' Parables: Were They Polemical or Irenic?
Between the Ironic and the Irenic: Happiness, Contingency, and the Poetics of Recurrence
Scientific Realism or Irenic Instrumentalism: A Critique of Nagel and Feyerabend on Theoretical Explanation
The Myth of the Jewish Exile from the Land of Israel: A Demonstration of Irenic Scholarship
Cross-validation and hypothesis testing in neuroimaging: An irenic comment on the exchange between Friston and Lindquist et al.
Appreciating the Collect: An Irenic Methodology. Edited by James G. Leachman OSB and Daniel P. McCarthy OSB . Pp. xx, 228, Farnbo...