- The jockey is unlucky to meet an accident.
- A camel foams at the mouth as he is whipped by a robot jockey during a race at Nad al-Sheba in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
在阿联酋迪拜举办的一次比赛中,一匹被机器人驾驶的骆驼正口吐白沫。 - Along its two dusty lanes, local trucks and buses jockey with Cadillacs driven by financiers from Taiwan and Hong Kong investors.
A punch drunk jockey?
Jockey:guaranteed job latency in data parallel clusters
Jockey: a user-space library for record-replay debugging
Hand-held computing device with built-in disc-jockey functionality
Geospatial analysis of a coastal sand dune field evolution: Jockey's Ridge, North Carolina
[The Drosophila mobile element jockey, being a typical LINE, is transcribed from the internal promoter by RNA polymerase II]
The Drosophila mobile element jockey belongs to LINEs and contains coding sequences homologous to some retroviral proteins
Evidence for Horizontal Transmission of the Mobile Element jockey between Distant Drosophila Species
'If you had been with us': mainstream press and citizen journalists jockey for authority over the collective memory of Hurricane Kat...
The effects of interdune vegetation changes on eolian dune field evolution: a numerical-modeling case study at Jockey's Ridge, North...