The effect of iodized oil on goitre size, thyroid function and the development of the Jod Basedow phenomenonThyrotoxicosis Out of the Blue: Jod-Basedow PhenomenonIodine-induced hyperthyroidism (Jod-Basedow phenomenon) in the elderly[Jod-Basedow phenomenon: who was Dr. Jod?].[Graves Basedow disease following treatment with magistral formulae for obesity. Jod-Basedow phenomenon?]Graves Basedow disease after therapy with a magistral formula for obesity. Jod-Basedow phenomenon?Jod-Basedow Phenomenon Precipitating Fatal Right Heart FailureThyreostatika, Pathophysiologie, Inzidenz, Amiodaron, Röntgenkontrastmittel, Jodbasedow, Jod, HyperthyreoseA Case Report of Post-Operative Jöd-Basedow Phenomennon Following Oral and IV Iodine Contrast AdministrationIodine-induced thyrotoxicosis ("jodbasedow"): an up-to-date clinical picture