- He tried to nobble one of the juror.
他企图收买陪审团中一个陪审员。 - The barrister entirely renounce his right to object to a juror.
这位律师完全放弃了反对陪审团成员的权力。 - The juror expertly answered the lawyer's questions and showed he had something on the ball.
Juror Sensitivity to Eyewitness Identification Evidence
Juror decision making in eyewitness identification cases
Accuracy, confidence, and juror perceptions in eyewitness identification.
White juror bias: An investigation of prejudice against Black defendants in the American courtroom.
Mock Juror Attribution of Criminal Responsibility: Effects of Race and the Guilty But Mentally III (GBMI) Verdict Option
Examining the Evidence: Tests of the Story Model for Juror Decision Making
Double discounting: The effects of comparative negligence on mock juror decision making.
On the requirements of proof: The timing of judicial instruction and mock juror verdicts.
Bad acts, blameworthy agents, and intentional actions: Some problems for juror impartiality
The Effects of Audit Quality and Consequence Severity on Juror Evaluations of Auditor Responsibility for Plaintiff Losses