- Tumor thickness and pathological karyokinesis were related to recur and metastases.
Post-karyokinesis centrosome movement leaves a trail of unanswered questions.
Juxtavascular karyokinesis and microglia cell proliferation during retrograde reaction in the mouse facial nucleus.
Centrosome repositioning immediately following karyokinesis and prior to cytokinesis
Developmental consequences of karyokinesis without cytokinesis during the first mitotic cell cycle of bovine parthenotes.
Import of proteins into the trypanosome nucleus and their distribution at karyokinesis
A mitotic kinesin-like protein required for normal karyokinesis, myosin localization to the furrow, and cytokinesis in Dictyostelium
Cell division: Differential effects of heavy water upon the mechanisms of cytokinesis and karyokinesis in the eggs of Arbacia punctu...
Virally transformed cells and cytochalasin B ☆ : I. The effect of cytochalasin B on cytokinesis, karyokinesis and DNA synthesis in ...
Virus infection of cells in mitosis. I. Observations on the recruitment of cells in karyokinesis into giant cells induced by herpes ...
TPA-induced multinucleation of a mesenchymal stem cell-like clone is mediated primarily by karyokinesis without cytokinesis, althoug...