- Keratin is the major protein in hair and nails.
Keratin expression in human tissues and neoplasmsKeratin Cytoskeletons in Epithelial Cells of Internal OrgansNormal keratinization in a spontaneously immortalized aneuploid human keratinocyte cell lineFormation of a keratinizing epithelium in culture by a cloned cell line derived from a teratomaCaspase Cleavage of Keratin 18 and Reorganization of Intermediate Filaments during Epithelial Cell ApoptosisAre keratin proteins a better tumor marker than epithelial membrane antigen? A comparative immunohistochemical study of various para...Serial cultivation of strains of human epidermal keratinocytes: the formation of keratinizing colonies from single cellsDifferentiation-related expression of a major 64K corneal keratin in vivo and in culture suggests limbal location of corneal epithel...Comparative equilibration and online technique for determination of non-exchangeable hydrogen of keratins for use in animal migratio...Interleukin-17 and Interferon-|[gamma]| Synergize in the Enhancement of Proinflammatory Cytokine Production by Human Keratinocytes