A Colaboração Estrangeira na Revista Klaxon
Le coq et le klaxon, ou la France à la découverte du bruit (1945-1975)
Choice of Law in Federal Courts: From Erie and Klaxon to CAFA and Shady Grove
Cartas Trocadas: Sérgio Buarque de Holanda e os Bastidores da Revista Klaxon
Mediating metamodernity in Bulgarian cultural production : an exploratory case study of Klaxon Press Collective
United States Department of Energy, Nevada Operations Office, completion report Operation KLAXON, Fiscal Year 1993
The Origins of Diversity Jurisdiction, the Rise of Legal Positivism, and a Brave New World for Erie and Klaxon
From Revolution to Republic: Magazines, Modernism and Modernity in Ireland: The Klaxon (1923), The Irish Statesman (1923-30), The Du...