The Male Totem in Klepht Poetry: parallels with the IliadBly klepht and styxKolokotronēs the klepht and the warrior. Sixty years of peril and daring.Kolokotrones the klepht and the warrior. Sixty years of peril and daring. An autobiographyThe Klephts in Modern Greek Poetry.Some types of introductory formulas in Greek klephtic (heroic) epicGeorgios KaraiskakisGeorgios Karaiskakis* The Klephtic Ballads in Relations to Greek History. By BaggallyJ. W., M.A., B.Litt. Oxford: Blackwell, 1936. Pp. xiv+109. 7s. 6d.The Conquest of Constantinople by Edgar Holmes McNeal; The Klephtic Ballads in Relation to Greek History (1715-1821) by John W. Ba...